MoviesGentlemen Prefer Blondes

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Gentlemen Prefer Blondes(1953)

91min | Comedy, Drama, Musical, Romance| August 1953 | IMDb : -

Lorelei Lee and Dorothy Shaw, two singers who are best friends, travel to Paris accompanied by a private detective hired by Lorelei's disapproving fiance's disapproving father as well as by several admirers including an elderly rich gentleman with deep pockets, as well as several doting fans who pursue them throughout.

Director: Howard Hawks

Cast: Jane Russell, Marilyn Monroe, Charles Coburn, Elliott Reid, Tommy Noonan, George Winslow, Marcel Dalio, Taylor Holmes, Norma Varden, Howard Wendell, Steven Geray, Clancy Brown, William Traylor, Carl Lumbly, Vincent Schiavelli

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