MoviesY tu mamá también

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Y tu mamá también(2001)

106min | Comedy, Drama, Thriller, War| June 2001 | IMDb : -

Two teenage boys and an attractive older woman embark on an epic road trip through Mexico together and discover many life lessons along the way - about life, friendship and romance all the while discovering each other as characters along the journey.

Director: Alfonso Cuarón

Cast: Ana López Mercado, Diego Luna, Gael García Bernal, Nathan Grinberg, Verónica Langer, María Aura, Giselle Audirac, Arturo Ríos, Andrés Almeida, Diana Bracho, Emilio Echevarría, Marta Aura, Maribel Verdú, Juan Carlos Remolina, Liboria Rodríguez

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